
• foodbank • ESOLplace of welcome  • cameo •


as a church right in the heart of Erdington we love our local community and find lots of different ways to connect, serve and belong 

Erdington Foodbank

We hold a Trussell Trust Foodbank every Thursday for those referred to us. We obtain food through donations and are constantly in need of your generosity.

If you would like to donate any food or are interested in volunteering please contact us.

For more information visit 



10:00–11:30am (during term time)

We offer informal classes to help people within the community who want to improve their English, predominantly for those who do not have English as their first language.

If you are interested in joining or volunteering please contact Isabel on 07423057355.

ESOL Flyer

Place of Welcome

A space where anyone from the community can come, have a drink and sit and talk, be quiet or find out information about the local area.If you are interested in volunteering for this please contact us.

Find out more about Places of Welcome here.




Come And Meet Each Other! — A group for active retired people.

A great chance to get to know friends in the community and not only those in the church.

We have activities, refreshments and conversation.

If you are interested, please contact Gerard on 07775465062.