
We are a charitable trust and any support you can give us, large or small, is gratefully received and will go towards running our church here in Erdington and supporting the work of mission worldwide.

You can give directly if you attend one of our gatherings in the building.

You can set up a standing order to make a regular donation

or you can make a one off donation.

Our bank details are:

Sort Code: 30-99-50

Account No.: 56979860

Account Name: Six Ways Erdington Baptist Church

Lloyds Bank

You can contact our treasurer for more information:

If you are a tax payer, please ensure you gift aid your donation as we will get 25% more money and it will cost you nothing.

You can download a gift aid form here.

Our Foodbank always needs our support with gifts of food and time.

Learn more about Erdington Foodbank here