our sermons
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5th January 2020
In this exert from our All-age Worship at the start of 2020 Pastor Gerard talks about the Year of the Lord’s Favour as stated by Jesus in Luke 4: 14-21
29th December 2019
The Wise men came not only with gifts for Jesus but with a message for all of us.
22nd December 2019
In the last of our series for advent (Luke 2:1-20) Pastor Gerard talks about how God surprises us in such marvelous ways.
15th December 2019
In the third of our series for advent Pastor Gerard looks at the way John’s Gospel tell of the start.
1st December 2019
In two clips from our All-Age Worship Pastor Gerard considers some of the implications for us to be found in the genealogy of Jesus.
24th November 2019 CTE Erdington United Worship
Sam Miller talks about the work of Open Doors.
(Unfortunately due to technical reasons the start of the talk is missing)
24th November 2019
Pastor Gerard talks about praying is a much better solution to problems than worrying. Philippians 4: 4 – 9
10th November 2019
Trudy Butterworth finds encouragement in the words of Philippians 2:1-18 and especially in the potential for change captured in the little word “if”.
03rd November 2019
Pastor Gerard introduces the Book of Philippians in these two extracts from our All-Age Worship
20th October 2019
Morine, one of our deacons talks about how we need to trust in Jesus.
13th October 2019
Richard Reddie, the Director of Justice and Inclusion at Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, is our visiting speaker at this special Sunday when we celebrate becoming a Church of Sanctuary. In his speech he talks about the importance of the tale of the Good Samaritan and how we need to behave like him.
28th July 2019
Continuing our look at Moses this week Pastor Gerard talks about the Ten Commandments as recorded in Exodus 20
30th June 2019
Trudy Butterworth talks about the gifts of the Spirit as recounted by Paul in Galatians 5: 22-26
23rd June 2019
Pastor Gerard continues to delve into the New Testament writings on the Holy Spirit,. This week looking at 1 Corinthians 12.
16th June 2019
Pastor Gerard continues to talk about the Holy Spirit, following the introduction on Pentecost Sunday. Using a series of readings from John John’s Gospel: 14:15-17; 14: 25-27; 15: 26 – 27; 16:5-15
9th June 2019
Pastor Gerard shares a message for Pentecost Sunday
5th May 2019
A short extract from all-age worship about the encounter on the road to Emmaus
14th April 2019
Steve Bagnell from Birmingham City Mission shares his testimony and talks about some of the work of BCM
31st March 2019
Mothering Sunday: Morine Burrell-Banton talks about the love of a mother and how all we need to exhibit these characteristics
17th March 2019
Micah 6 continued… the tale of the Good Samaritan shows the importance Jesus placed on loving kindness
10th March 2019
Pastor Gerard expands on one of the topics introduced last week, namely that of what it means to “do Justice”
3rd March 2019
An extract from our All-age worship about Micah 6